
Friday, 13 November 2009

Proud to father non-identical twins

I will never forget when we found out that I was expecting twins at the 12 week scan.

That is, 12 week from the first day of my last period. I always found that strange. I had not been pregnant for 12 weeks. The little sparks of life were only ignited 10 weeks earlier.

The sonographer pushed the tool across my jelly-sodden stomach and there they were, as clear as day, two separate babies. I wasn’t completely surprised. No, there is no history of twin in my family. It did, however, explain why the extreme feelings of exhaustion and nausea associated with early pregnancy were not easing. More than that though, at only 12 weeks, or 10 weeks, of pregnancy I my tummy and breasts were visibly swollen.

Men are always proud of their manly potency that they have it in them to make a baby. Well, my hubby was like a dog with two... when it was explained to us that our non-identical twins were the result of two separate sperm. Yes, not one but two of his little swimmers made it to the finish line.

Proud, he was composing adverts as if he could be put out to stud.

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