
Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Twins with Non Identical Poo - 1 Baby with Anal Fissures

Most parents of babies are fascinated by their poo, or perhaps that is just me.

I have been intrigued by the twins poo. They have an identical diet but very different movements. In fact, you know when you walk into a room and you know one of the babies needs a new nappy. Well, I can even tell which baby has done it with out having to do the close up sniff test.

Baby boy has had his difficulties in that department. Shortly after solid food was started he became quite constipated. When he did open his bowels it was with much grunting, tears and obvious pain.

The Doctors diagnosed anal fissures (a small tear): a very common problem and anal fissures often reoccur. My mum thought he said anal fishes - which would have been medically unique!

There are various recommended remedies: salt baths, high fibre & plenty of water to prevent constipation and breast milk (only for babies, obviously). Baby had some special prescription cream applied to the area twice a day for a week, followed by much improvement.

Boy had, by this time, learnt a habit of holding on, putting off the inevitable and being anxious about it. The behaviour did not change immediately, but he clearly was not in pain any more. Over a number of months his bowel movements have become more frequent, usually daily, and slightly softer. They are an incredible size, though, for such a small bottom.

The girl baby, on the other hand, has consistently produced big, sticky, smelly, messy nappies far too frequently for my liking.

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