
Monday, 23 November 2009

You've Got Your Hands Full, Double Trouble

There are times when I think if I hear "DOUBLE TROUBLE" one more time... well, I do not know what...
What about double pleasure. "OOO aren't you lucky? Not one baby but two."
"Yes." I could agree, smiling with pride.

It is total strangers who are so rude, they take one look at me pushing the double buggy and feel they are qualified to declare: "double trouble."
“Rather you than me.”
“Are they good?”

How can they be bad? They were just a few months old, unable to move. How could they be bad at that age?

I can only think that these comment reflect a society which really is not very child friendly. Friends of mine from abroad have often commented on this aspect of British culture. In fact, look at the slogans on T shirts sold for babies and toddlers in major stores:
  • Little monkey
  • Here comes trouble
  • Little monster...

In fact, if you do not want your precious child to wear one of these horrible labels then you almost cannot buy anything in certain shops.

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